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Scientific Publication in 2023 from RESHeat project

    We would like to announce that in 2023 year the following most important publications from the RESHeat project were published in highly-ranked energy area journals:

    1. Yildirim, MA , Bartyzel, F., Vallati, A., Woźniak, MK, Ocłoń, P., 2023, Efficient energy storage in residential buildings integrated with RESHeat system, Applied Energy, 335, 120752. [IF = 11.2]

    2. Jakubek, D. , Ocłoń, P., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Sułowicz, M., Varbanov, PS, Klemeš, JJ, 2023,  Mathematical modeling and model validation of the heat losses in district heating networks, Energy, 267, 126460. [IF = 9] 

    3. Barnaś, K. , Jeleński, T., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Racoń-Leja, K., Radziszewska-Zielina, E., Szewczyk, B., Śladowski, G., Toś, C., Varbanov, PS, 2023, Algorithm for the comprehensive thermal retrofit of housing stock aided by renewable energy supply: A sustainable case for Krakow, Energy, 263, 125774. [IF = 9]

    4. Vallati, A. , Fiorini, CV, Grignaffini, S., Oclon, P., Di Matteo, M., Kobylarczyk, J., 2023, Energy Retrofit Optimization for social Building in temperate climate zone, Energy and Buildings, 282 , 112771 . [IF = 6.7]

    5. Ocłoń, P., Chin, H.H., Kozak-Jagieła, E., Taler, J., Ścisłowicz, F., Czamara, M., 2023, 33 – Photovoltaic–Thermal waste heat integration with underground thermal energy storage and heat pump systems, in: Klemeš, J.J. (Ed.), Handbook of Process Integration (PI) (Second Edition), Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy, Woodhead Publishing, 1017 – 1042.



