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Sapienza University of Rome

The Sapienza University of Rome (SAPIENZA), founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, is one of the oldest universities in the world and the second largest university in Europe, coping excellently with its exceptional student population: 120. SAPIENZA has 11 faculties, which cover every type of scientific and social field, with 63 departments, more than 4,700 professors and researchers, and 4,300 administrative and technical staff.

Committed to the importance of internationalization of education and training, sharing knowledge and know-how, collaboration in institution building and capacity, Sapienza University has been involved, for a long time, in a wide range of international collaboration projects and activities in almost every geographic area of ​​the world: from Asia to The Balkans, Australia to the Middle East, America to the ACP countries.

This long-term experience has brought Sapienzy an extensive knowledge of international cooperation, which has allowed our University to develop a wide and now proven range of management and operational skills in this field.

The Faculty of Astronautics, Electrical Engineering and Energy (DIAEE) in the field of Building Physics and Environment focuses its activities in the fields of lighting, acoustics, ventilation, indoor air quality (IAQ) and energy. DIAEE works on a broad portfolio of basic and applied, national and international research projects in the fields of technology, energy, construction and the environment. The acoustic program includes environmental and industrial acoustics. In particular, acoustic insulation, advanced measurement methods in acoustics, analysis of the impulse response using TDS and MLS source signal for acoustic evaluation, evaluation of the acoustic quality index for conference rooms and auditoriums, and exposure to noise.

The Faculty of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (DIMA) consists of approximately 100 employees, including professors, technicians and administrative staff. The main objectives of DIMA are to promote and coordinate research activities in the fields of applied mechanics, fluid mechanics and dynamics, aero engines, mechanical and thermal measurements, technological design, engine management and design, industrial and power plants, renewable energy and energy efficiency. DIMA supports 2nd cycle Professional Masters, such as EFER-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources, and is a coordinator of several European projects, both educational and research, such as Joint Master of Mediterranean Initiatives on renewable and sustainable energy – the JAMILA project, funded under TEMPUS program (2013). DIMA works for the development of renewable power plants and process simulations using standard and “ad hoc” programs (TRNSYS, CHEMCAD, ASPEN, CFD codes). DIMA designs, builds, tests and qualifies innovative components for solar power plants through its laboratory facilities.

Project coordinator for Sapienza University of Rome is Prof. Andrea Vallati  from DIAEE

Role in RESHeat:

  • Analysis of the building’s energy needs and development of numerical models for the RESHeat demonstration plant in Italy
  • Validation of the developed models with experimental results.
  • Support in optimizing the RESHeat circuit for an Italian demonstration facility
  • Cooperation with ATER on development of demosite in Italy