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Brno University of Technology

Brno University of Technology is the second oldest and largest technical university in the Czech Republic. The unit involved in RESHeat project is the Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory (SPIL), established in February 2017 as a research and development unit at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Brno University of Technology.

SPIL has already published a total of 202 publications on energy and water resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, environmental impact assessment based on carbon footprint analysis, and environmental issues related to COVID-19. SPIL has extensive premises, modern computing and network servers, and the necessary software to simulate processes and assess their impact on the environment. For activities requiring experimental work, the parent NETME Center has at its disposal a state-of-the-art pilot plant – including the Laboratory of Energy-Consuming Processes.

Prof. Jiri Jaromir Klemeš – SPIL manager – brings as an Exploitation and Dissemination Manager of RESHeat project  over 25 years of experience as a staff member of the best British universities (UMIST, Manchester and Edinburgh) and 8 years as a participant in the EU Marie Currie Chair of Excellence program, and together with Dr. Petar Varbanov, he has successfully completed in last 7 years over 10  international projects financed by EC FP7 and Horizon 2020, including multimedia e-learning and e-learning from TU Berlin. Prof. Klemeš is a highly cited researcher awarded by the Web of Science.

The area of ​​research interest of the team from BTU Brno is the improvement of energy efficiency in the industry based on the improvement of the efficiency of heat exchange processes, integration and heat recovery from processes, minimization and optimization of greenhouse gas emissions for industrial boilers and production processes.

Role in RESHeat project:

  • life cycle, carbon footprint and economic efficiency analysis for RESHeat systems
  • Disseminating the scientific results of the project in the scientific community and in the society.