Project results
The Results of Our Passion
Scientific publications
Pawel Ocloń
Renewable Energy Utilization Using Underground Energy Systems
Lecture Notes in Energy, Vol. 84
Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-030-75227-9, 2021, 173 pages
This book discusses the challenge of underground energy storage in a comprehensive manner. It covers a wide range of important and practical topics including the modeling and optimization of underground power cable systems, the modeling of thermal energy storage systems utilizing waste heat from PV panels cooling.
Research Articles
2023 (no.1 - no.17)
1. Klemeš, J.J., Foley, A., You, F., Aviso, K., Su, R., Bokhari, A., 2023, Sustainable energy integration within the circular economy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 177, 113143. [IF = 15.9]
This Virtual Special Issue (VSI) presents a selection of the presentation at the 24th Conference of Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES’21), which was held as a hybrid (face2face + online) conference in Brno, Czech Republic, on the 31st October to the November 3, 2021. Topics covered in this VSI cover Renewable and Sustainable Energy as well as circular economy, which has been identified as a viable strategy towards achieving sustainable development. It aims to decouple economic growth from resource use and waste generation. To ensure that the advances made in creating a more circular economy are not in conflict with mitigating climate change and achieving close to net zero emissions by 2050, a portfolio of technologies and strategies that reduce the carbon emissions intensity of the energy sector should be implemented.
2. Kapustenko, P., Klemeš, J.J., Arsenyeva, O., 2023, Plate heat exchangers fouling mitigation effects in heating of water solutions: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 179, 113283. [IF = 15.9]
A comprehensive analysis of publications on fouling in plate heat exchangers (PHEs) on heating water solutions is presented. The different approaches to modelling fouling formation in PHEs are analysed. The modelling of local process parameters in channels with accounting for the geometry of corrugations on plates is extremely important for the accurate prediction of fouling formation. Among different ways of fouling mitigation in PHE, the accurate design and proper selection of plates and their arrangement is considered the most effective, while covering plates with fouling-reducing coatings has prospects in development and application.
3. Yildirim, M.A., Bartyzel, F., Vallati, A., Woźniak, M.K., Ocłoń, P., 2023, Efficient energy storage in residential buildings integrated with RESHeat system, Applied Energy, 335, 120752. [IF = 11.2]
The paper presents an energy analysis for a residential building that is a RESHeat system demo site, along with integrating the RESHeat system with the building. The experimentally validated components coupled with the building model to achieve the system performance in TRNSYS software. The results show that the yearly average COP of the heat pump is 4.85 due to the underground energy storage unit. The RESHeat system is able to fully cover the heating demand of the building using renewable energy sources and an efficient underground energy storage system.
4. Jakubek, D., Ocłoń, P., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Sułowicz, M., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2023, Mathematical modelling and model validation of the heat losses in district heating networks, Energy, 267, 126460. [IF = 9]
This paper presents an analysis of the heat losses from pre-insulated pipes and twin pipes in the heating system network. This study compares the heat losses in the ground calculated by analytical solution (1D model) with the measurements on the dedicated experimental setup. The calculations have been made for several heating network pipe variants: twin pipes: DN40, DN50, DN65, and their counterparts in a single parallel pre-insulated system. The developed and validated mathematical model of the heating network is used to calculate the heat losses in a heating network connecting an underground storage tank with a ground source heat pump. The economic analysis shows that after 5 y, a return on investment is expected when comparing twin-pipe systems and single-pipe pre-insulated heating networks.
5. Barnaś, K., Jeleński, T., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Racoń-Leja, K., Radziszewska-Zielina, E., Szewczyk, B., Śladowski, G., Toś, C., Varbanov, P.S., 2023, Algorithm for the comprehensive thermal retrofit of housing stock aided by renewable energy supply: A sustainable case for Krakow, Energy, 263, 125774. [IF = 9]
This paper proposes an approach to the comprehensive adaptation of prefabricated panel-block buildings. It develops a novel, structured approach to identifying buildings from this group using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), urban and social analysis, and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making support methods (MCDM) for comprehensive thermal retrofitting, combined with remodelling to address crucial deficiencies in accessibility and public space renewal. This novel method would allow the users to save up to 80% of their current energy consumption and related Greenhouse Gas emissions.
6. Fedorczak-Cisak, M., Radziszewska-Zielina, E., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Biskupski, J., Jastrzębski, P., Kotowicz, A., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2023, A concept to maximise energy self-sufficiency of the housing stock in central Europe based on renewable resources and efficiency improvement, Energy, 278, 127812. [IF = 9]
An innovative method for designing energy-self-sufficient housing communities is presented, emphasising proactive user participation. The overall concept for achieving such communities is first described, and then the current research is presented – focusing on the electricity generation and storage within the community. The presented approach demonstrates a Smart City solution for a community of single-family houses with confirmed very low final energy demand and potential Greenhouse Gas reduction of up to 96%.
7. Polyvianchuk, A., Semenenko, R., Kapustenko, P., Klemeš, J.J., Arsenyeva, O., 2023, The efficiency of innovative technologies for transition to 4th generation of district heating systems in Ukraine, Energy, 263, 125876. [IF = 9]
The work proposes a novel methodology of transition to 4th generation DHS that allows its implementation with limited funds for investment. It consists of the step-by-step realisation of required innovations that allow optimising investments schedule and payback time. The methodology is illustrated by two case studies. In one of them, the university administrative building built 50 years ago is considered. The proposed improvement method can decrease the total energy consumption by 85%, with investments lower by 47% compared to traditional simultaneous realisation.
8. Varbanov, P.S., Wang, B., Ocłoń, P., Radziszewska-Zielina, E., Ma, T., Klemeš, J.J., Jia, X., 2023, Efficiency measures for energy supply and use aiming for a clean circular economy, Energy, 283, 129035. [IF = 9]
This article considers the key issues and developments in energy optimisation of industrial and urban systems for achieving a clean Circular Economy. The overall system perspective is presented in the form of the Circular Economy Hierarchy, within which the general developments and the contributions of the current Virtual Special Issue from the PRES’20 conference are overviewed and analysed. The review and discussion reveal the need for integrated modelling and optimisation of business and urban processes to minimise energy demands and to satisfy them with minimal environmental impacts efficiently.
9. Vallati, A., Fiorini, C.V., Grignaffini, S., Oclon, P., Di Matteo, M., Kobylarczyk, J., 2023, Energy Retrofit Optimization for social Building in temperate climate zone, Energy and Buildings, 282, 112771. [IF = 6.7]
Public funding is significantly reduced compared to the past and the conditions of the buildings are deteriorating over time, resulting in an increase in energy consumption for air conditioning and in indoor comfort conditions very far from the standards. Often it is also very difficult to act on the passive system, with the insertion of a thermal insulation, as well as inside the apartments, with the replacement of terminal units. For this reason a good way is to evaluate the possibility of modifying the thermal energy generation system, preserving as much as possible the distribution and supply system inside the apartments. In general, where the boiler is not obsolescent, the idea is to propose a hybrid generation system with the inclusion of a heat pump (HHP), which could be implemented with renewable energy equipment, properly installed in the building. The results show that a hybrid system can lower the primary energy consumption up to 28%, thus allowing the employment of renewable energies within the social housing building stock.
10. Arsenyeva, O., Perevertaylenko, O., Tovazhnyanskyy, L., Arsenyev, P., Kapustenko, P., 2023, Experimental investigation of thermal and hydraulic performance of panel plate heat exchangers, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 43, 101984. [IF = 4.8]
The present work proposes a novel design of heat exchanger of plate type, the so-called “panel plate heat exchanger”. Based on the experimental investigations of pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient in the channels of wavy form, operating with gas and liquid, the empirical correlations for friction factor and heat transfer coefficients are proposed. In comparison to pillow-plate heat exchangers, it permits an improvement in heat transfer of up to 28 % with an increase of friction factor of about 48 %.
11. Kapustenko, P., Klemeš, J.J., Arsenyeva, O., Tovazhnyanskyy, L., 2023, PHE (Plate Heat Exchanger) for condensing duties: recent advances and future prospects, Energies, 16(1), 524. [IF = 3.2]
Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) in processes of vapour condensation is the fast-developing type of heat transfer equipment. The construction of PHE can be adapted to the required conditions of specific applications as condensers. Flow structure in PHE and heat transfer during condensation is considerably different from flows in smooth tubes and flat-wall channels. The corrugation inclination angle to the main flow direction is the main factor affecting PHE performance at the same corrugation height and form. Correlations for the calculation of heat transfer coefficients and friction factors in a majority of studies are obtained for averaged process parameters.
12. Shen, H., Cao, Z., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, J., Wang, E., 2023, Numerical study on heat transfer and performance of seasonal borehole thermal energy storage, Heat Transfer Engineering, 1 – 13. [IF = 2.3]
This paper simulated the borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) operation in one year to study the effects of soil thermal conductivity, soil volume-specific heat, initial soil temperature and relative surface area of storage on energy efficiency of the BTES. The results show that energy efficiency of the BTES reaches the maximum when soil thermal conductivity is 1.8 W/(m·K). According to the results, soil thermal conductivity has more significant effects on the heat extraction per soil volume but has the most negligible impact on energy efficiency of the BTES. Finally, a new BTES design method was proposed which is suitable for the studied parameter range.
13. Zhang, S., Ocłoń, P., Yildirim, M.A., Varbanov, P.S., Arsenyeva, O., Kapustenko, P., 2023, Validation of the coupled heat and moisture in the soil for underground thermal energy storage systems, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 103, 865 – 870.
The current work proposes a footprint evaluation matrix for buildings which accounts for the competition between the use of various utilities (upstream impacts) and the potentially different routes for waste disposal (building and downstream impacts). The results indicate that the RESHeat system exhibits 80 % lower GHG emissions and 70 % less water consumption than the gas boiler heating system due to the use of solar energy in the operation phase. It offers a sustainable solution to address energy crises and mitigate global warming. The future work will extend to the comparative analysis among such solar energy systems for the provision of heating, cooling and electricity in building
14. Pan, T., Ocłoń, P., Cisek, P., Nowak-Oclon, M., Yildirim, M.A., Wang, B., Varbanov, P.S., 2023, Footprint evaluation of household operation accounting for the use of different utilities and materials, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 103, 577 – 582.
The current work proposes a footprint evaluation matrix for buildings which accounts for the competition between the use of various utilities (upstream impacts) and the potentially different routes for waste disposal (building and downstream impacts). The results indicate that the RESHeat system exhibits 80 % lower GHG emissions and 70 % less water consumption than the gas boiler heating system due to the use of solar energy in the operation phase. It offers a sustainable solution to address energy crises and mitigate global warming. The future work will extend to the comparative analysis among such solar energy systems for the provision of heating, cooling and electricity in buildings.
15. Cisek, P., Ocłoń, P., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Kaczmarski, K., Rerak, M., Vallatti, A., Zielonka, J., Pawłowski, A., 2023, The mathematical model for the design of the RESHeat system, in: 2023 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), Split / Bol, Croatia, 20 – 23 June 2023, 1 – 9, IEEE Publisher.
This paper presents new computer software for the analysis and selection of components for RESHeat systems. The developed software aims at the optimal selection of the RESHeat system elements and their parameters based on the specific constraints of the investor. The calculated results of the system performance in a given year may vary from the actual values by ± 20% for annual values and ± 40% for monthly values due to changing weather conditions in a given year. The comparison with calculations using commercial software shows that the results obtained from the Resheat software are at an acceptable level.
16. Vallati, A., Fiorini, C.V., Muzi, F., di Matteo, M., 2023, Energy simulation scenario to social housing building: combining heat pump and renewable energy system, in: 2023 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), Split / Bol, Croatia, 20 – 23 June 2023, 1 – 5, IEEE Publisher.
The study focuses on a social house building from the 1980s that is used as a demonstration site for the RESHeat system. The dynamic simulation was performed using TRNSYS software to compare the RESHeat system to the current situation, having two scenarios: A: Actual Heating, B: RESHeat System. By retrofitting existing systems, an efficient heating system and air conditioning system can be provided; these implementations can also significantly reduce overall consumption and CO2 emissions. The results show that the heat pump’s yearly average COP is 7.34 due to the energy storage unit. RESHeat system covers building heating needs through a combination of renewable energy sources and energy storage.
17. Ocłoń, P., Chin, H.H., Kozak-Jagieła, E., Taler, J., Ścisłowicz, F., Czamara, M., 2023, 33 – Photovoltaic–Thermal waste heat integration with underground thermal energy storage and heat pump systems, in: Klemeš, J.J. (Ed.), Handbook of Process Integration (PI) (Second Edition), Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy, Woodhead Publisher, 1017 – 1042.
This chapter presents the Integration of Photovoltaic–Thermal (PVT) waste heat with Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES) systems. PVT waste heat can be used to charge the UTES unit in the summertime. The chapter discusses various possibilities for increasing PV panel efficiency, e.g. by applying PV cooling and sun-tracking systems. The chapter presents the modeling of RESHeat system as well as its application in Locally Integrated Energy Sectors – Heat Integration.
2022 (no.18 - no.28)
18. Zhang, S., Ocłoń, P., Klemeš, J.J., Michorczyk, P., Pielichowska, K., Pielichowski, K., 2022, Renewable energy system for building heating, cooling and electricity production with thermal energy storage, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 165, 112560. [IF = 15.9]
This paper introduces the recent developments in Renewable Energy Systems (RESs) for building heating, cooling and electricity production with thermal energy storage. The application of various Renewable Energy based systems is discussed including: the presentation of Hybrid Renewable Energy bases systems, methodology for their design and methods for the optimisation of Buildings RES. This review also presents the recent developments in Phase Change Materials (PCMs) for their application in buildings, both for heating and cooling. Finally, it sorts out some challenging issues of the RES today and guides future development.
19. Yap, K.Y., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., 2022, Future outlook on 6G technology for renewable energy sources (RES). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 167, 112722. [IF = 15.9]
As the renewable energy sources (RES) continues to grow in power system due to emissions decarbonisation and sustainability policies, a fast and reliable connection between RES components and equipment is crucial to ensure quality power delivery. This review provides a detailed insight into the full potential in 6G for the acceleration of RES with the faster and stable data bandwidth. 6G
in the RES sector encountered several critical limitations needing an intensive
development, including still the issues of security and privacy, prone to
hacking or data bleaching, required advanced hardware support and requirements
for ultra-fast communications with low latency.
20. Potrč, S., Nemet, A., Čuček, L., Varbanov, P.S., Kravanja, Z., 2022, Synthesis of a regenerative energy system – beyond carbon emissions neutrality, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 169, 112924. [IF = 15.9]
This paper presents a stepwise transition to a regenerative energy system in the EU by 2050, with the aim of going beyond carbon neutrality and achieving annual net negative emissions. A mixed-integer linear programming model is developed with the goal of maximising the Sustainability Net Present Value while achieving a balanced solution between all the three basic sustainability pillars. The results show that carbon neutrality at the global level could be achieved by 2050 with a 1.63% annual reduction in anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Moreover, the results indicate that if carbon emission neutrality is achieved at the global level in 2050, it could be achieved in the EU as early as 2039, given the Earth’s self-sequestration capacity.
21. Jamaluddin, K., Wan, Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Hamzah, K., Klemeš, J.J., Zailan, R., 2022, Optimal nuclear trigeneration system considering life cycle costing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 370, 133399. [IF = 11.1]
Trigeneration System Cascade Analysis is a methodology based on Pinch Analysis to optimise a centralised trigeneration system in various energy ratings in demands. However, the previous study does not consider a complete life cycle costing in the Trigeneration System Cascade Analysis. The methodology consists of three main parts, which are data extraction, development of Trigeneration System Cascade Analysis, and calculations of the life cycle costing. In this analysis, a centralised Pressurised Water Reactor, which is the most commonly used nuclear reactor in the world, is applied in a trigeneration mode in three different industrial plants.
22. Fan, Y.V., Jiang, P., Klemeš, J.J., Ocłoń, P., 2022, Minimum environmental footprint charging of electric vehicles: a spatiotemporal scenario analysis, Energy Conversion and Management, 258, 115532. [IF = 10.4]
Electrification of mobility can be an effective solution to reduce the environmental burden of the transportation sector. Previous research has frequently used theoretical assumptions and has not always adequately analysed spatiotemporal heterogeneity (charging location and timing) of the power generation in electric vehicle charging events. The environmental sustainability of electric vehicles has still considerable room for further improvement. This study aims to identify the time series greenhouse gas emission pattern of power generation and assess the potential emission reduction by altering the charging behaviour. It is targeted on how to further minimising the environmental footprint of renewable energy system, including the solar energy by focusing on the user stage.
23. Selikhov, Y., Klemeš, J.J., Kapustenko, P., Arsenyeva, O., 2022, The study of flat plate solar collector with absorbing elements from a polymer material, Energy, 256, 124677. [IF = 9]
The application of polymeric materials for the manufacture of absorbing elements of solar collectors allows efficient transformation of solar radiation into thermal energy with low material consumption and reduced cost of solar installations. This paper investigated the solar collector of flat plate type. It is shown by comparison with available
literature the high level of investigated polymer solar collector efficiency
reaching 95%, which is even higher than for some solar collectors of
traditional designs using metallic absorbing parts. It can be produced up to
four times cheaper than sun collectors with aluminium metal absorbers. Further
optimisation of the solar units and all their parts is needed for their
integration into efficient energy systems.
24. Wang, C., Zheng, J., Liang, Y., Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Zhu, Z., Liao, Q., 2022, Deeppipe: An intelligent monitoring framework for operating condition of multi-product pipelines, Energy, 261, 125325. [IF = 9]
The operation monitoring of multi-product pipelines helps to grasp the operation dynamics, detect abnormal situations in time, and assist on-site operation management. However, due to the complexity of the scheduling plan, the operating conditions of pipelines change frequently, which makes it difficult to accurately recognise condition types. To solve the above problem, an intelligent monitoring framework for operating conditions is proposed to simultaneously achieve the system recognition of steady, unsteady, and abnormal conditions.
25. Varbanov, P.S., 2022, The intertwining issues of energy security, environmental protection, and societal development, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 24, 1319 – 1320. [IF = 4.3]
The strategy to cope with the environmental and energy security challenges has to involve a carefully managed hierarchy of measures. Those should start with the minimisation of the energy needs of the world economies, followed by reuse and recycling of materials, energy recovery, energy valorisation and reuse, and fnishing with the harvesting and utilisation of renewable energy. While some of the base technologies and methods for these solutions are already available and mature, others need improvement, and new solutions are still needed. That is especially the case with the need for accounting for the energy use and the embodied footprints of the goods and services in the economy.
26. Bartyzel, F., Wegiel, T., Kozień-Woźniak, M., Czamara, M., 2022, Numerical simulation of operating parameters of the ground source heat pump, Energies, 15, 383. [IF = 3.2]
A new tool for simulating the heat pump operating parameters and costs of the implemented solutions is developed. The root mean square deviation shows a promising results of 8%. Further research will include the effect of heat pump operation on the ground temperature, and the potential to regenerate it using waste heat from PV-T panels. The biggest challenge will be to integrate the two simulations, ground and heat pump, into a single solution to account for the mutual influence (feedback loop) on the annual ground temperature profile and its effect on system efficiency
27. Vallati, A., Fiorini, C.V., Oclon, P., Grignaffini, S., Di Matteo, M., 2022, Comparison of different heating generator systems to reduce energy consumption in social housing in a Mediterranean climate, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2385(1), 012019.
The main goal of the present work was to evaluate through dynamic analysis different Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning scenarios, to assess the optimal configuration of the system for residential use. The results show that a hybrid system can lower the primary energy consumption up to 28%, thus allowing the employment of renewable energies within the social housing building stock.
28. Varbanov, P.S., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., Ocłoń, P., Zhang, S., 2022, Potential of solar powered underground waste heat utilisation in total site heat integration, in: 2022 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), Split / Bol, Croatia, 05 – 08 July 2022, 1 – 6, IEEE Publisher.
This work presents the integration of Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) waste heat with Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES) systems and studies the potential of the system in an urban-industrial site Heat Integration. It studies the energy requirements and temperature ranges for heat pumps via Total Site Composite Curves, evaluating the energy coverage based on the current temperature of the waste heat and potential coverage via heat pumps technologies. The obtained results indicate that the electricity generation efficiency of the PV panels is increased by up to 10 % as a result of the water cooling, and the system is capable of covering up to 90 % of the building’s energy needs.