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Dissemination – News in Media

Dissemination - News in Media

The 3rd Block of the Community and Communal Energy Conference was held in Valeč, Czech Republic from 8 – 9 November 2023.

On 08th – 09th November 2023, the representative of RESHeat team – Dr. Šárka Zemanová (Brno University of Technology) participated in the 3rd Block of the ‘Community and Communal Energy’ Conference at Valeč, Czech Republic. A lecture on ‘ Heating and electricity production system for residential buildings using renewable resources – RESHeat project ‘ was displayed.

The objective of this conference is to connect cities and municipalities in Czech Republic and Slovakia with experts from the fields of: Energy, Municipal services, Waste management, Fuel and Technology suppliers, Academia, Municipal companies and Regional institutions. It creates a platform for a comprehensive solution to the topic as well as providing space for effective communication and establishing and deepening personal ties.


The 7th Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory (SPIL) Scientific Conference in conjunction with Renewable Energy System for Residential Building Heating and Electricity Production (RESHeat) Workshop  was held in Mikulov, Czech Republic from 1 – 3 November 2023 in hybrid form.

RESHeat Workshop  (chair: Prof. Paweł Ocłoń) 

1.  Paweł OcłońFilip Bartyzel, Mehmet Ali Yildirim, Piotr Cisek, Marek Czamara: RESHeat – system for heating, cooling and domestic hot water production for residential buildings

2.  Piotr Cisek, Paweł Ocłoń , Marzena Nowak-Ocłoń, Karol Kaczmarski, Monika Rerak, Andrea Vallati, Jakub Zielonka , Adam Pawłowski, Petar Varbanov: Software  for the RESHeat system design  

3.  Sheng Zhang ,  Paweł Ocłoń,  Mehmet Ali Yildirim, Petar Varbanov, Olga Arsenyeva:  Numerical evaluation of the underground energy storage system of RESHeat

4.  Ting Pan:  Environmental footprint assessment of building energy management system

RESHeat Panel Discussion  (chair: Prof. Paweł Ocłoń; moderator: Prof. Petar Varbanov) 

The 26th Conference Process Integration, Modeling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction  was held in Thessaloniki, Greece from 8 – 10 October 2023 in hybrid form.

RESHeat Workshop 

1.  Sheng Zhang Paweł Ocłoń,  Mehmet Ali Yildirim, Petar Varbanov, Olga Arsenyeva: Validation of the coupled heat and moisture in the soil for underground thermal energy storage systems

2.  Ting Pan Paweł Ocłoń, Marzena Nowak-Ocłoń, Mehmet Ali Yildirim, Bohong Wang, Petar Varbanov:  Footprint evaluation of household operation accounting for the use of different utilities and different materials

The International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech 2023)  was held in Split / Bol, Croatia from 20 – 23 June 2023 in hybrid form.

RESHeat Workshop (chair: Prof.  PawełOcłoń) 

1. AndreaVallati, FrancescoMuzi, Costanza VittoriaFioriniand Miriam di Matteo:            Energy simulation scenario to social housingbuilding: combining heat pump and renewable energy system 

2.  Andrea Vallati , Gianluigi Lo Basso, Francesco Muzi , Costanza Vittoria Fiorini,  Miriam di Matteo,  Paweł Ocłoń:  Optimization of a thermal storage tank for a water source heat pump solar assisted

3.  Piotr  Cisek , Paweł Ocłoń,  Marzena Nowak- Ocłoń , Karol Kaczmarski, Monika  Rerak:      The mathematical model for the design of the  RESHeat  system 

4.  Filip  Bartyzel , Paweł Ocłoń:  Simulation software for design improvement

The 25th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction was held in Split / Bol, Croatia from 5 – 8 September 2022 in hybrid form.

RESHeat Workshop (chair: Paweł OcłońPetar Varbanov)

1. Sheng Zhang, Paweł Ocłoń, Petar Varbanov, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Olga Arsenyeva, Petro KapustenkoNumerical simulation of integration of sun-tracked PVT panels with underground energy storage and heat pump systems

2. G. Gaurav, Mehmet Ali YildirimPaweł OcłońPetar VarbanovJiří Jaromír Klemeš:        Performance and evaluation of the operating savings of heat and power based on PV-Thermal panels and RESHeat storage for restaurants

Scientific Publication in 2023: 

Yildirim, MA , Bartyzel, F., Vallati, A., Woźniak, MK, Ocłoń, P., 2023,  Efficient energy storage in residential buildings integrated with RESHeat system , Applied  Energy, 335, 120752.  [IF = 11.2]

Jakubek, D. , Ocłoń, P., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Sułowicz, M., Varbanov, PS, Klemeš, JJ, 2023,               Mathematical modeling and model validation of the heat losses in district heating networks, Energy, 267, 126460.[IF = 9] 

Barnaś, K. , Jeleński, T., Nowak-Ocłoń, M., Racoń-Leja, K., Radziszewska-Zielina, E., Szewczyk, B., Śladowski, G., Toś, C., Varbanov, P.S., 2023,  Algorithm for the comprehensive thermal retrofit of housing stock aided by renewable energy supply: A sustainable case for Krakow , Energy, 263, 125774. [IF = 9]

Vallati, A. , Fiorini, CV, Grignaffini, S., Oclon, P., Di Matteo, M., Kobylarczyk, J., 2023,  Energy Retrofit Optimization for social Building in temperate climate zone , Energy and Buildings, 282, 112771 . [IF = 6.7] 

Nomination for Personality of the year in Cracow by  main local  newspaper s : Gazeta  Krakowska  and Dziennik Polski for  contribution  in  Renewables .